So here's the plan, friends. I suggest we upload or copy and paste whatever story, poetry, prose and whatnot we have written or are writing and post it. I still like the idea of having themes but instead of a monthly theme, let's shift it to a don't have to follow, free-for-all gross list of theme suggestions for the particular month. There's a reason for it to be this way; it will help keep our brains thinking of new ideas without forcing anyone to rely on a theme at all. I am also in favor of occasionally suggesting good reads for fun, ideas and a look at various styles, themes and such. We could maybe even start a conversation on how awesome or not awesome it is. So good luck to us all and happy writing!
p.s. (because I like post scripts) Ashtyn had the marvelous idea to let each other review and suggest edits on google docs. She had helped with a particular writing assignment a couple semesters ago and it was pretty much awesome. It was so awesome, I decided it would be nifty if we were to pair off and review each others papers once in awhile that way instead of the usual comments. I can even see it working well if someone was stuck in their writing and needed some critique to get unstuck. Let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks everyone!
p.s.s. The themes for the month can be found just below the title, in a more space conserving and unfortunately, almost unnoticeable spot.
This works for me! Thanks for getting this going again!