Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rules of the Game

Ok peeps!

So I have a writing exercise book that gives great ideas of short stories to write.  So for our next era of written work is going to be an exercise called, Rules of the Game.

This is how it goes.

"Write a short section of a story that follows the rules of a game. You can take already existing games, like chess, Monopoly, or poker. Use the rules of one of these games as if they were real, filling in names for characters - in Monopoly, perhaps calling one character John Boot or Old Battleship or Dog's Breath. Play along loosely or strenuously, letting characters move through the game or board as if in a life of their own. Try not to make this too obvious. Part of the fun of doing this exercise is to depart at a certain point from the rules or at least to make your readers think you have departed."

If you have any questions about what this means I will be happy to answer! But, also, you can change this format to what ever works with you. It's only meant to get the wheels going in you head. Good luck!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Spring Cleaning

The audible texture of wind, Captures me so.
With its brushing breeze
and whisping howl
my hand he'll sieze
and guiding me gently and leading me swiftly
to a thrusting unravel
of clarified soaring.
He captures me so, that audible texture Wind.