Monday, November 12, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The Robber
Oh, another call. I wonder were I will be placed this time. Red country's wheat crops have been booming this last season. But The Blue District is on their way to world domination.
I took the parchment and walked away from the Orange Town citizen who handed me the assignment. I unrolled the parchment, seeing the 7 insignia. This is legit, better than the Soldier symbol. I have less control when the military gets involved. They use me as an excuse when one of the countries get out of hand to set things right. Makes me feel like the good guy and I don't like it. Lets see where they are sending me.
To the White Capitol! Wow, these orangites prefer to respond to revenge rather than stopping the Blue district form taking over. And it looks like I'll be stealing brick. Oooo! That's has been a rare commodity indeed. I will make an impact for sure. Well I've got my new orders, time to change location.
I went to my little shack and grabbed my pack and my credits for the other commodities I have "acquired."
Not to much stuff since I haven't been in Orange town very long. The White Capitol sent me here purely out of spite, I knew I would get much out of the deal, they put my on a 11 district. Psh! 11. They should have known I would have done no good, even if Orange has two settlements on it. But now Orange is smarter. Getting revenge is always more profitable. Plus they are putting me in a 6 district! I'll have my work cut out for me.
Oh right! Orange wants an immediate commodity from The White Capitol. To bad they didn't specify, they get to be surprised. Walking on the empty paved dirt paths that were so numerous around Orange Town, I could see The White Capitol's storage units just up ahead. Passed a wheat field one my right and a sheep heard on my left, I reached the treasure! Well not for me. I had to play by the rules. The only reason I am not in prison is because each of the countries, Red, Blue, Orange, and White need me. When they don't get what they want they use me to get it. When they are done with me, they send me to the desert, it's were I live so I don't mind.
I opened the large crate that was covered in faded white paint. The door crashed open because of it's weight. The crate was as big as a small cabin and as deep as a water well. I tired a rope around my waste and slowly lowered my self down. (Whistle) The White Capitol was doing pretty good. Their commodities stacked up pretty high. Holding tight to the rope I reached for the credit closest to me. I was still to far. I faced back toward the wall to readjust myself, when a section of the rope began to unravel. Wow! I dropped about a foot because of it. I looked down and the credit that was now in my reach. Well that works. I climbed up and out of the crate. You'd think The White Capitol could get a new rope with all the commodities they have, they have to climb in here too. But they have always been stingy.
Lets see what commodity Orange Town gets. Wood. Wood is always useful. I could use some of this myself.
Well I just have to go give this to the citizens of Orange town and then I get to go get me some brick. :)
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Rules of the Game
Ok peeps!
So I have a writing exercise book that gives great ideas of short stories to write. So for our next era of written work is going to be an exercise called, Rules of the Game.
This is how it goes.
"Write a short section of a story that follows the rules of a game. You can take already existing games, like chess, Monopoly, or poker. Use the rules of one of these games as if they were real, filling in names for characters - in Monopoly, perhaps calling one character John Boot or Old Battleship or Dog's Breath. Play along loosely or strenuously, letting characters move through the game or board as if in a life of their own. Try not to make this too obvious. Part of the fun of doing this exercise is to depart at a certain point from the rules or at least to make your readers think you have departed."
If you have any questions about what this means I will be happy to answer! But, also, you can change this format to what ever works with you. It's only meant to get the wheels going in you head. Good luck!
So I have a writing exercise book that gives great ideas of short stories to write. So for our next era of written work is going to be an exercise called, Rules of the Game.
This is how it goes.
"Write a short section of a story that follows the rules of a game. You can take already existing games, like chess, Monopoly, or poker. Use the rules of one of these games as if they were real, filling in names for characters - in Monopoly, perhaps calling one character John Boot or Old Battleship or Dog's Breath. Play along loosely or strenuously, letting characters move through the game or board as if in a life of their own. Try not to make this too obvious. Part of the fun of doing this exercise is to depart at a certain point from the rules or at least to make your readers think you have departed."
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Spring Cleaning
The audible texture of wind, Captures me so.
With its brushing breeze
and whisping howl
my hand he'll sieze
and guiding me gently and leading me swiftly
to a thrusting unravel
of clarified soaring.
He captures me so, that audible texture Wind.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Have you ever had a dream where you were so contently happy? Life was great. You had direction and a purpose. You looked forward to your challenges instead of running from them. And you were incredibly happy because the person you love loves you back.

Yeah I've had dreams like that too.
Then you wake up. Life's still hard. You wanna hide under your covers from the world's cruelness. Because we all know the world is not merciful. It likes to see us sad, doesn't it? It likes to make things hard, difficult, frustrating, confusing, I'm sure we could all go on.
And it will probably always be that way. But that's okay, because that's how this life is supposed to be. We at times are supposed to be sad and then happy, confused then enlightened, frustrated then content, and it's supposed to be sad and then happiness comes in whatever form it chooses. And the happiness is so wonderful that it overcomes all the sadness ever experienced.
Or at least, that is the happiness I dream of.
Yeah I've had dreams like that too.
Then you wake up. Life's still hard. You wanna hide under your covers from the world's cruelness. Because we all know the world is not merciful. It likes to see us sad, doesn't it? It likes to make things hard, difficult, frustrating, confusing, I'm sure we could all go on.
And it will probably always be that way. But that's okay, because that's how this life is supposed to be. We at times are supposed to be sad and then happy, confused then enlightened, frustrated then content, and it's supposed to be sad and then happiness comes in whatever form it chooses. And the happiness is so wonderful that it overcomes all the sadness ever experienced.
Or at least, that is the happiness I dream of.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Welcome! I am sincerely excited to write and read everyone's creative entries. The plan is for all of us to take turns picking a monthly theme. We will all, hopefully, post one theme related entry and then share some thoughts and opinions in the comment area with the intention to enlighten each other and ourselves. The theme will always be at the top of the blog and there will be a new theme for each month. Since this is our first venture together, I thought it would be nice to have the theme's expiration date at the end of September instead of August. If there is not time in a month to write something, be it prose, poetry, a short or some terribly witty remark, that is perfectly fine. Or if you feel like posting all sorts of entries, please, go for it. Just as long as at least one entry is theme related then you are golden.
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